The 52 inch Divine matches its name by its sheer look & performance. It comes with a celestial LED ring, when turned on along with the fan it casts a partial eclipse like reflection on the blades of the fan. The main LED light also has the dimming option along with multi-colour LED option that makes Divine even more desirable. You can choose lighting based on the activity in your space, be it warm light, cool light or day light as well as set the tone/mood for your evening. The Divine coffee is best suited for contemporary, monochromatic style and can be a value addition for your living room, bedrooms. The innovative sleep feature which when turned on alternates between different speeds giving you breeze as well as relief, hence giving you uninterrupted sleep. This remote controlled Brush less DC (BLDC) motor fan, is Eco friendly, and comes with Fanzart’s unique Summer-Winter feature making it an all-weather fan.