
Functional Decor Is the Future: Here’s Why

It is often said that the house of the future will be incredibly practical and utilitarian. In the past, the average person would have a fair idea of what they want, and the interior design would build on that vision and bring it to life. With the advent of modern technology though, that has changed – and dramatically so. A person looking to construct or redo an apartment has a bazillion pins on Pinterest and has twenty more websites that allow him or her to zero in on exactly what they want. That doesn’t mean that they’ll do away with interior designers, or even decor – not one bit

The commentary on the idea actually suggests these individuals – especially millennials – are getting wiser. It’s the same reason why people are choosing to invest in a trip to Europe over diamonds, for example. At the end of the day, the modern millennial seeks elaborate, holistic experiences over mere sheer ethereal beauty.

And thus, as people plan for real life, decor today has a fair few changes over the last decade or so. The larger point here is that the decor of tomorrow, though, is all set to see numerous more.

What The Flux?

Historically speaking, interior design trends have always been in a constant in a state of flux. Back in the day, however, changes in trends occurred every few years or so. If current industry trends are anything to go by, these changes occur every few months. One thing that has, is, and will remain constant, though, is functional decor.

Do You Mean Decor That Doubles Up As Storage?

For starters, that’s certainly a huge hit and will continue to be in the future. One of the biggest reasons for that, of course, is smaller homes and cramped up spaces in bigger homes as well. Space crunch is a real issue – we don’t need to reiterate on that front – so the demand for utilitarian decor that includes storage is on the rise.

Design today cannot just be seen from a myopic aesthetic perspective, and any brand that does so is going to suffer in the long run.

The Ceiling Space

As mentioned earlier, people are getting wiser. They want products that provide value for money – and thus, it’s important to create and design products that are ‘value pushers’.

The ceiling space, for example, is one that hasn’t been fully explored. People still purchase ordinary everyday fans from the market, for example, without realizing that are much better alternatives in the market. Fanzart, in fact, has a wide range of fans that have a multitude of features. From bi-directional rotation to speakers playing music, to fans that have the ability to cool a room by as much as 8º celsius, to even a fan that doubles up as a chandelier – the range of fans is incredibly exciting, and the ideas are a direct result of a ton of painstaking brainstorming sessions, as well as many rounds of trial and error. The reason we create these products, after all, is because we understand and recognize that this is the future.

At the end of the day, highly functional products are always more appealing – understandably so – and that’s exactly what we aim to cater to at Fanzart.

Out Of Sight, Out Of Mind

It’s indisputable that multipurpose decor is the future. When you talk about wall beds, one might think of movies in the 80s – but it’s back in fashion today. People have realized that if concealed neatly, wall beds make for great space savers, making them perfect for guest visits, home offices, and even studio apartments.

The key to success here is smart design. When not in use, the wall bed will disappear, and you now have more room to do whatever you like with the space.

A collapsable office, perhaps? Who knows. Look through your retractable roof, for sky’s the limit!

Double Duty – Two For The Price Of One

Lastly, you need to realize that there has to be a plan with a purpose. There are always improvements that can be made in the design, after all, and that’s what the customer wants. There’s a famous story that comes to mind when we write about this. When designing the first iPhone, resigned Apple engineers apparently went to then CEO Steve Jobs, saying that they couldn’t make the phone slimmer. Jobs allegedly looked them dead in the eye and chucked the phone into a fish tank. The phone sunk to the bottom and bubbles started emerging from its orifices – only for Jobs to turn around and say, “If there’s room for air to be in there, it can become slimmer.”

It’s been almost a decade and a half, and it’s that level of innovation that has driven competition in the phone market. Today, most smartphones are synonymous with ‘camera phones’ – two, for the price of one.

Similarly, interior designs and its products have evolved over time too. If you’re a designer reading this, you know exactly what we’re getting at. If you’re a customer reading this, it might not be conscious – but think about all the times when you considered the cost, and the ‘value for money’ quotient of a product, before purchasing it. Why should interior designing and decor products be any different?

Today, we know of dining tables that turn into a desk – or better yet, when flipped over, into a pool table. A more famous and relatable example of the same is a couch that transforms into a bed. Space-saving seating options where thin chains are stacked atop each other, or smaller box-like seats stacked within each other, too, come mind. For smaller homes, coffee tables turn into dinner tables in a jiffy – and collapse back to their former state post supper, just as quickly.

If you notice, people are going back to nature while being in their homes too. Vertical gardens, for example, are a la mode. Sales of technology based decor, too, are on the rise.

Steve Jobs’ had a vision of making his phone smart. Today, every aspect of our home is headed towards a smarter future – and we wouldn’t have it any other way!